December 10, 2022


Dream Session

Location: Parker, Colorado (Private Property), Dress/Mask: Online Boutique, Hair/Make-up: Bullfrogs & Butterflies

Experience quietly requests change and change leads to new experience. These are the breadcrumbs of life. This is also how we seemingly measure the quality of life.

Experience and change.

This year, I have faced countless experiences that have demanded me to change something. Normally, I prefer to coast quietly and let others change things for me. I tend to hide. It seems easier because my responsibility is minimal. Maybe I become a little guarded as I tuck away and fortify my walls. My grown-up mind knows that this is not the mature response to any situation. After all, I am an adult. And as an adult, I should face circumstances with a fight on the inside that is sure of my steps and ready to embrace whatever may come.

I am aware of the change that is happening inside of me. I see the breadcrumbs that confirm that I am on the right path even if my heart isn’t fully embracing the journey. This is faith. Raw and honest faith.

“Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

I have a particular hope for my future. It includes strong community, unspoken confidence, and a silent enjoyment of life. This hope for my future is clouded right now. I don’t see it, I feel unsure and shaken. More than I am comfortable with.

But there are these breadcrumbs…

I have faith. Faith that I am not alone and that I will never be alone. Faith that I am seen and there is One who is proud of me. Like walking on an almost unnoticeable path through a dimly lit forest is where my life is right now. I know beyond anything that I can explain that I am exactly where I need to be. I know that I can have confidence in my future. I know that there is a song in my heart and a dance that I am learning. The steps are complicated right now, but with practice – and experience – they will be simple and change will continue to transform my soul.

Yellow blooms with white lace and dusty blue tulle inspires a dream like child photography session
Piano music and yellow flowers
A cabin with a piano and sheet music and flowers
child wears joyfolie shoes and a boutique dress and a simple ribbon headband during her dream session in Colorado
Detail photos of a little girl sitting in a cabin doorway
A child plays the piano during her dream session in Colorado
Yellow blooms and a child
child stands with a vintage rolling toy during a dream photography session in Colorado
serious portrait of a child in a vintage inspired dream photo session
child looks up wide eyed with dark shadows and good light
child plays with vintage toy